Wednesday, November 14, 2007


BERSIH 10 November 2007

2007 Bersih rally, Yellow Power

Hell, if I have never spent so much time on the Internet, reading Screenshot or Malaysia-Today, I believe I would not have even know about it.

There’s hardly any thing on the newspaper. If there are, it s not even considered front page material. Only the government politicians are interviewed and all of them condemn the march. The march had been blame for making life difficult, spoiling the name of the country, even as bands of criminal, irresponsible criminals who are willing to endangered the life of their children. The national medias suggest that the march is a total failure.

11, 12 and 13th November, the days when I do not have access to the WWW, I don’t really heard anybody talk about the walk. Life goes on as usual. As if nothing happened. As if only a tiny section of the country really supported the walk.

For this I must congratulate the government. Their control over the mass medias are total.

A Malaysiakini writer once told me, I am not the in the typical demografic of Malaysiakini’s reader, ie those interested in social politics.

This means the younger generations don’t actually care. The Malay youth are concerned about Akademi Fantasia and South American Soap Operas. The Chinese educated are only interested to maintain their Chinese lifestyle here in Malaysia. The Indians struggles just to seek recognition that they are an important member of this country. PAS members seeking for an Islamic Nation. And etc. Every body have their own agenda.

Do you then think the youth of the country, not the Belia, those age 15-20 will be aware about the idea behind the walk. Most probably they would not. Even though Kennysia did give some exposure on this March, although in a very indirect and subtle way.

If such a walk is held in Penang, would I be there? Most probably yes, even though I will fell uncomfortable walking with PAS members. I have already accepted that PAS’s vision of this country will never be the same as mine.

But why now, are we running to the king? Remember when we deserted them during Dr. M’s time. Not that all the rulers really deserve our respect in the first place.

It is not that I do not support a clean and fair election. I am all for it. But changes can only be made when the masses cares. The masses don’t only mean those who had access to the WWW and have interest in the social politic issues of the country. The masses mean all the pak cik, makcik, and the younger generations as well.

And the question is, how do we reach them?

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