Wednesday, August 15, 2007

RM171,000 Rental Car

RM171,000.00 to rent a car! The Star reported that is how much our government is paying to rent a Nash Rambler Custom Convertible 1951 car, so that our prime minister can ride in it along with a couple of his ministers. Dr Rais Yatim, our nation’s merdeka celebration coordinator feels that by re-enacting the scene where a similar car brought Tunku around when he return home to announce the country’s independence will somehow show how patriotic the bunch is.

RM171,000.00. For a couple of hours use when launching the 50th National Day celebration. Man, am I furious. This is the time when we are bombarded left right with how our government is being wasteful (think the Angkasawan project, the Brickendonbury football academy in London, the new VVIP airplane for the PM etc), how the laymen are suffering from then rising inflations, how the government’s money (that means yours and my money loh) will be use to bail out a sorry example of our fail corporate governess and horrible corruption in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) fiasco.

RM171,000.00. That’s low cost housing for 3 families, 34 motorcycles for the low income group, 342 bicycles for our poor students, 34,200 Malaysian flags for us to hang on our cars (so that we can prove how patriotic we are, as some politicians implied!) or even 1 and a half Ford Focus 1.8l for me for 10 years use. Sigh.

RM171,000.00. What ever gives Dr Rais the impression that riding on the car will instill patriotism in us? Or bring back any nostalgia of 1957. How many of us remembers or even cares what kind of car Tunku rode on? Wouldn't it be more important to remember what Tunku faught for? Merdeka is not about all this ‘remeh temeh’ thingies. It is about the correct spirit in all of us. How us Malaysians felt about loving our country and are love back by her. How we feel that we can be proud of our leaders and not be treated as a lulu by them. How we are made to feel that there is a bright future for all us Malaysians, rregardless of our skin colour or religious, if we work and toil hard for the nation.

I am furious, man. But moreover, I am sad, very sad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats more than my yearly salary. dumb and arrogant.