Its only in August and I have already concluded whats the worst movie in 2009.
Transformer, Revenge of the Fallen.

I already felt the first movie is bad. Although some transforming sences are cool. (This is a movie call Transformer after all). The robot designs are so 'insecty'. Except for Prime, the rest of the metallic casts looks like bugs from hell. What the hell with Megatrons's bad teeth anyway? Then the Sam whines and whines and whines. Megan Fox should gives bitch slap him again and again. Maybe no, he does not even qualify to stand near Megan.
Whats wrong with ROTF?...Besides the obvious stupid storyline, lousy script, the followings..
1. Removing the transformer from the title, this is just a movie about some alien invasion. Nano tech and bio metallics? I dont wanna see that. I wanna see transforming... in slow motion. Super super slow mo. The constructicons combining to Devastator is a real con act. That is not combining, thats merging. I will not be so 'tulan' if they rename the movie 'Alien Robot Invasion : Revenge of The Fallen'.
2. The robot designs are again a real disappointment. If they dont look like insects, they looks like trolls. The twins, Mudflap and Skids could easily fits into the cast of Harry Potter or LOTR if they are smaller. The only head design that I like is Optimus's.
3. Its not enough that the humans are whinny. Now even the transformers are too. The twins talks like they are high on caffein. Jetfire sounds like he is a speed talker instead of the legendary oldtimer. Megatron talks non stop. So is that tiny Decepticons that wanna operates Sam's head. And Soundwave never talk (his voice is the coolest in the G1 cartoon).
4. The Transformers dying and being revive. No wonder the transformer wars last millineums. How come nobody wanna revive Jazz from the first movie. Cause he sounds 'black' :)
5. Jetfire. How can they ever come up with the design for his robot form. He transform into a SR71 Blackbird leh.... the coolest plane ever. Then at robot form...with the funny facial hair....err steel, and a walking stick. If you wanna talk old, the Fallen should be older by miles, how come he is still so 'sharp'. Better maintenance hor.
6. Those mini Decepticons which came alive at the Witwicky's residence. Reminded me of Gremlins and the robot helpers from Aces Go Places II.
7. A GM (Sideswipe) destroying an Audi R8 (in the beginning of the movie in China). That one borders on the ultimate fantasy already. Really really cannot accept lo.
Maybe I was wrong to have such high expectaion. But thank god there is Megan Fox.
Btw, I highly recommend 'Departure', the japanese movie. Made me cried.. in agood way, more than once. Damn good movie.